What's next after high school?

Start making real money, real fast.

Jump into an Awesome Career

High School Students

We get it – a 9-to-5 cubicle job isn’t for everyone. Some people are just looking for something different. Maybe you want to build, repair or use your hands. If you’re not sure what your next step will be after graduation, remember a four-year college degree isn’t your only option. Welding offers an exciting alternative and with Arclabs you can get started in a new career in as little as six months.

From aircraft carriers and space shuttles, to smartphones and jewelry, more than 50% of products made in this country require welding. According to NAM, manufacturers in South Carolina employ 12% of the state’s workforce. Texas is the top state to employ welders, with over 50,000 welders calling it home1. Welding is an in-demand skill and will be in high demand for a long time to come.

1 https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes514121.htm#st

One of the coolest things about a welding career is the ability to travel. Whether it’s maintaining and repairing NASCAR vehicles, installing pipe in the beautiful Alaskan wilds or performing repairs on a cruise ship, the travel options for skilled welders are practically unlimited. Of course, if you prefer to work closer to home, you can do that too.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average welding salary is $41,380. For welding jobs that require more technical skills like electric power generation, transmission and distribution, the average salary is $76,600.

The fast track to a career.

You’ve got big dreams. Whether it’s a cool car, a nice house or just the latest gaming rig, they all need one thing – money. And you’re not going to earn the kind of cash you want working retail or pouring coffee. You need a real skill to make real wages. Welding is a fast track to earning real money, with an industry average of more than $20/hour. And depending on location and specialization, you can make much more, with some welders taking home six-figures annually.

Get started in months, not years.

Do you really want to spend the next 30+ years staring at spreadsheets? And spend thousands for the privilege of doing it? If you’re the type who would rather get your hands dirty building cool stuff, then Arclabs could be the right fit for you. With courses that can be completed in as few as six months, with over 95% of the program consisting of hands-on training. You’ll get practical experience and can be working on your dreams while your friends who went to four-year colleges are still slogging through required courses.

Build your future at Arclabs.

Skilled welders are always in-demand. For over a decade, Arclabs has been training people just like you in the skills they need to get started in this great career. Our skilled instructors will give you personalized instruction and feedback as you learn, so you (and your future employer) can be confident in your skills. Nationally accredited, we have day and night classes to work around your schedule and you can earn Arclabs certifications. Once you’ve graduated, we’ll even help you find a great job with placement assistance.

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